Top 5 home appliance trends in 2016 to look forward to

2016 Home Appliance Trends

If you are decorating your home or revamping your house, then current home appliance trends of 2016 is of vital importance to you. Gone are the days of chunky, hideous looking home and kitchen appliances! Today utility only is definitely not the sole concern while purchasing home appliances. Looks, designs, colors etc are considered to be equally important, as they can add much value to your interiors. After all it’s your home, and you want it to look every bit as chic as you are!

So, here are our top home and kitchen appliance trends this year:

Contemporary Classic designs

Well, designed classics never go out of style! And when you add a dash of modern day sleekness to it, the designs just become even more timeless. The contemporary classic is the new ‘it’ thing of appliance trends. Not convinced? Check out Danby’s attractive Contemporary Classic Collection for yourself. These bold bar and mini fridges delicately combine the simplicity of a contemporary design with the flair of a classic style.

Appliances with bold colors

Bold metallic colors make for trendy appliances. Strong metallic colors such as deep reds, blues, and blacks are in vogue this year. The strong colors not only perk up the entire interior, but also create a fun colorful look that make for a great decor accent. After all, these kitchen appliances are always going to be part of your kitchen, you might as well use them to your decorating advantage.

Sleek designs with minimal detailing

Sleek and minimal looking appliances are one of the most popular kitchen trends this year. Danby’s new line of sleek portable air conditioners are a great example of a this kitchen appliance trend.

Multipurpose appliances

Well, today’s living spaces are small and thus the need for space saving is great. A multipurpose home or kitchen appliance can be of great use here. As they combine the utility of two or more machines, they save a lot of space in your household. Check out these multi-purpose tools for your kitchen.

Automation in home appliances

Time is the most precious commodity today. And thus, automation has become the ‘much in demand’ trend in every technology. Home appliances are no different! Automated cleaning is one feature that is much in demand in kitchen and home appliances. Be it controlling the temperature or switching on the lights, automation not only makes your life simpler, but also gives your house a modern makeover that goes way beyond the looks.

So if you are designing your home or trying to give you old place a makeover, simply invest in some great home and kitchen appliances. Use these appliance trends of 2016 as your guide and be sure to check out our Inspiration for Your Dream Kitchen post for more great ideas.