Tis the Season for Sharing and Caring

With the hustle and bustle that happens around the holiday season, it’s important to stop and take a moment to reflect upon your journey through 2016. All the goals we surpassed and the wonderful accomplishments we endure. One thought in particular that comes to mind is remembering to be grateful for all the simple things we have in our life, and how lucky we are to be able to enjoy the pleasures and freedom life has to offer.


Like everyone living in Canada, Danby Appliances is blessed to be able to enjoy the abundant amount of resources, safety and liberty to choose the path we want to live and have the freedom to go about our lives. There is a strong sense of belonging, community and pride for who we are as Canadians. And now, thanks to the over 800 volunteer and one humble man, Jim Estill, CEO of Danby Appliances; over 200 Syrian refugees will be able to experience the same appreciation and gratification that we as Canadians feel each day.

What started out as a “Jim Estill project” – as humanitarian at heart with a knack for simply doing the right thing – has now propelled beyond a simple one-man-project into a community outreach involving more than 800 volunteers.  The most recent article written by Mark Mann of Toronto Life magazine has now gone viral nearly worldwide in less than a day upon release.

From our Family to yours, we hope this New Year presents wonderful opportunities and plenty more reasons to be grateful.

A little break from holiday stress:

holiday season
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