The Best Way to Use Your Freezer

How difficult can it be? We all know that a freezer keeps items at an extremely low temperature, thus preserving them until needed. It’s true—you don’t need to attend an instructional seminar to use a freezer. However, like all products, there are ways to make the most of your freezer that improve its efficiency, save you money, and ensure that your product has a long and highly functional life.

The Best Way to Use Your Freezer

Use the Right Containers

You may have discovered the hard way that you cannot put a glass bottle full of liquid in your freezer. If you need to freeze liquid, such as tomato sauce, you will be safe sticking with plastic containers. However, there are also glass containers from companies like Pyrex and Frigoverre that work perfectly in freezers. Note that while these containers may seem nearly indestructible, they actually cannot hold up to extreme temperature changes. If you plan on popping that Pyrex container full of sauce into the microwave or oven for dinner, make sure that you let the contents thaw first.

Avoid the Scourge of Freezer Burn

“Freezer burn” sounds like a contradiction in terms, but this oxymoronic phenomenon renders food almost as useless as actually burning it on the stove. If you freeze something that is not properly sealed, dehydration and oxidation occur, severing compromising the taste and quality of the item. In addition to proper storage, try to maintain a constant temperature in your unit. Do not open the freezer more than necessary or for any longer than necessary.

Improve Unit Efficiency

Several things you can do that requires very little work on your part, but will save you money nonetheless:

  • Avoid heat sources: Make sure the freezer is not near an oven, dishwasher, direct sunlight, or any other source of heat. Doing so means less work for the compressor, lower energy bills, and a longer life for the unit.
  • Don’t rush your leftovers. Here is another one in the same vein: let leftovers cool off before putting them in the freezer. The food won’t spoil if you let it drop to room temperature first.
  • Check your seals: Once you have had a freezer for a few years, periodically check the rubber seal around the door. These sustain wear and tear over time, compromising the seal. This allows both warm air in and cold air out, making your compressor work extra hard to maintain the proper low temperature. When you notice any deterioration in your seal, replace it.
  • Clean Your Coils: Many people place their freezers in basements or garages, areas that do not receive prime attention when it comes to cleaning. Try to keep the coils free of dust and other debris as this inhibits their ability to function properly.
  • Defrost Your Freezer: This is a big one. An accumulation of frost reduces the amount of space in your freezer and severely compromises unit efficiency. Back in the old days, it was necessary to unplug your freezer in order to defrost. Fortunately, most modern freezers offer frost-free operation. Danby has a number of different freezer styles to meet your needs. Visit our online showroom for unit specifications and details on how to order!